Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is eligible to apply for a loan?
A: If you are applying for a Training/Career Tech loan, you must be a graduate of a Stark County high school, If you are applying for an undergraduate or graduate school loan, you must be a graduate of a Stark County high school, have and maintain term and cumulative GPA's of 2.00 or above for undergraduate studies and 3.0 for graduate school, and be a full time student (take 12 or more credit hours per term for undergrad and at least 6-9 credit hours per term for graduate) to be eligible to borrow. Loans are available for any school or training expense. If you are applying for a North Canton student loan, in addition to above mentioned criteria, you must also be a resident of the North Canton City School District at the time of application.
Q: How do I apply for a loan?
A: Applying is easy! To access the online application click here for a Canton Student Loan application and click here for a North Canton Student Loan application and click here for a Career Tech Loan.. Undergrads will also need to send the FAFSA Student Aid Report form or parents' 1040 tax form for the most recent tax year, two letters of reference, an official and final high school transcript including ACT/SAT scores, and an official copy of a transcript for any college work you have completed. Graduate students are required to submit a high school transcript to verify Stark County graduate status, the Student Aid Report from the FAFSA, and an official copy of a transcript for any college work completed
Q: How much can I borrow?
A: CSLF Undergraduate Loans: Maximum undergraduate funds total $16,000
A: Graduate Loans: Maximum $8,000 can be borrowed for graduate school programs.
A: NCSL Loans: Maximum undergraduate funds total $16,000.
A: Career Tech: Maximum funds total $16,000.
Q: What is the interest rate?
A: The interest is simple and fixed at 6 percent APR (for a $16,000 loan the effective rate is 2.73 percent due to extended deferment period when no interest is charged. See Interest Rate Comparison). Interest is charged to your account when your first payment becomes due (three months after degree completion or immediately following withdrawal). An interest charge of .005 percent is made against the outstanding principal balance on the first day of each month starting when payments begin.
Q: How can I borrow for each additional year after my first year of borrowing?
A: Financial Aid is granted for a one-year period only. You must reapply each academic year for an additional loan. This is done by completing the Student Update Form/Repeat Loan Application, which is sent in March of each year. It is not necessary to submit reference letters or the SAR or 1040 form with repeat applications. Students who are re-applying MUST submit the Student Update Form/Repeat Loan Application to the Foundation by April 15th. Transcripts or copies of grade reports for the entire academic year MUST be turned in by June 1. If there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from meeting these deadlines, the office MUST be notified. Re-applications will not be processed until all requested information has been submitted. Any applicant who does not meet these deadlines will NOT be eligible for a loan for fall term. Such applications MAY be reviewed for second semester loans if monies are still available.
Q: What happens if my grades are low?
A: Loan applicants whose term or cumulative grade point average is below the guidelines will not be eligible for a loan until their term and cumulative grade point averages are within accepted guidelines. Loans will not be granted to students who are on academic probation. A letter will be sent to any student whose loan is not approved as soon as a decision has been made. We will make every effort to reach a decision and notify the student as early as possible. GPA Guidelines: Undergraduate: at least a 2.0; Graduate: at least 3.0.
Q: What is the process for a loan to be granted?
A: Upon receipt of the application and all required supporting documentation, the application will be reviewed by the Canton Student Loan Foundation's Selection Committee. Financial aid will only be granted based on satisfactory evidence of scholarship ability, character and real financial need. The decision of the Selection Committee shall be final.
Once the loan is approved, the student and the co-makers must sign the promissory note, the truth-in-lending form, and the co-maker's statement via Docusign electronic signing. After the documents are properly signed a check can be processed. Loan checks are prepared on the 15th or 30th of the month after we receive all signed documents. Loan checks will be mailed to the address you provided in your application. The full amount granted does not have to be taken if it is not needed but the approval is only for the current academic year. Failure to take the entire loan amount one year will have no effect on one's ability to apply for an additional loan for the maximum eligible amount in succeeding academic years.
Q: Do I need co-makers for this loan?
A: Yes, the Foundation requires two co-makers for each loan. Co-makers are usually the student's two parents. If a student is married, at least one other co-maker in addition to the spouse of the borrower is required to sign as a co-maker on the loan. An individual cannot be a co-maker if 1). He/she has already signed for three active loans at CSLF; or 2). He/she is in default as a borrower or co-maker on any current loan at CSLF; or 3). He/she has had a loan with the CSLF that was written off; or 4). Have legal claims/suits/actions for unpaid collection of debt; and 5). Co-makers must be U. S. citizens.
​Q: What happens if the Foundation does not have sufficient funds to grant all loan requests?
A: All approved loans are dependent on the availability of loan funds as directed by the Selection Committee of the Canton Student Loan Foundation. Should the pool of available funds be insufficient to meet the demand for loans, loans will be granted on the following basis: 1). Repeat applicants who have already received loans; 2). New loan applicants with annual family incomes below $80,000; 3). New loan applicants with annual family incomes over $80,000.
Q: When do my payments begin?
A: Repayment starts three months following graduation or the completion of any full-time post-graduate degree or immediately upon withdrawal from school or dropping below full-time student status.
Q: How is interest charged to my account?
A: Interest is charged to your account on the first day of every month beginning with the month that your first payment is due. The annual interest rate is six percent and the monthly charge is .005 percent of your principal balance. Interest is calculated on the outstanding principal balance as of the first day of each month and is a simple, fixed rate.
Q: How do I make my payments?
A: A monthly billing statement will be mailed to you beginning the month your first payment becomes due (unless you have requested paperless statements). A payment slip and a return envelope will be included with each billing statement. Mail your check made payable to The Canton Student Loan Foundation for CSLF loans and payable to The Student Loan Foundation of North Canton for NC loans and mail the checks along with the payment slip in the return envelope which is enclosed with the billing statement. Statements will be mailed by the 10th of each month, and payments must be received in our office before the last business day of each month before 4:00pm. Please include your account number on your check.
Payment may also be made via enrollment in "Automatic Payment" with the Foundation. Simply download the enrollment form and mail it to the Foundation.
You may also pay online using your credit card or debit card. A 3% fee is charged by the payment processor for using this method of payment. Click here to make an online payment.
Q: When are my payments due?
A: To be considered “on time” payments made by check or online are due in our office before 4:00 pm on the last business day of the month.
Q: How many days after the due date am I considered late?
A: Any payment received after 4:00pm on the last business day is considered late. To avoid a late payment, mail your payment at least 10 days before the due date listed on your billing statement.
Q: What amount will my payments be?
A: Payments are based on the amount borrowed and range from $100/per month to $250 per month. Please see your Truth in Lending statement for details.
Q: Can I pay my loan back early?
A: You may make larger payments than required at any time and / or you may make a lump sum payment at any time to pay your loan in full. There are no fees or penalties for early repayment of your debt. Early repayment will result in your paying less interest charges over the life of the loan.
Q: How are my payments credited to my account?
A: Payments are first credited toward legal/NSF fees, then to accrued interest charges, and finally toward the outstanding principal balance.
Q: What other fees may be charged to my account?
A: Charges will be imposed for all returned checks, lost checks, any legal fees incurred in the collection of your account, and any fees related to credit bureau reporting. These fees will be added to your loan balance.
Q: What do I need to do to defer my payments and interest while I'm a full-time student?
A: In the month of March, a Student Update Form/Repeat Loan Application will be sent to each student. READ IT CAREFULLY, FILL IT OUT, ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION, AND RETURN IT BY THE DEADLINE. Submission of proof of attendance on a full-time basis for the entire academic year is required in order for loan payments and interest accrual to continue to be deferred. PLEASE NOTE! PROOF OF ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED EACH YEAR even if you are not reapplying for an additional loan. This means that the Student Update Form/Repeat Loan Application must be completed and a transcript for the entire academic year must be sent to the Foundation's office as soon as it is available at the end of each academic year. Failure to return the Student Update Form/Repeat Loan Application AND provide a transcript is a breach of your loan agreement and may result in your total loan being declared immediately due and payable in full.
Q: What happens if I drop out or drop below full-time status?
A: If the loan recipient drops out or takes less than a full load (12 credit hours for undergraduate students; 9 credit hours for graduate students) at any time, you must let the Foundation office know immediately so that monthly payments can be scheduled and payments begun so that you are not in breach of the terms of your promissory agreement. Any delay in notification will cause a lump sum payment to be due and immediately payable in full.
Q: Can I defer my payments if I return to school?
A: Yes, as long as all payments are current. If an account is in arrears, it must be paid current and then further payments and interest would be deferred as long as enrollment is based on full-time status. Re-enrollment on a full-time basis does not terminate your obligation to make all payments owing up to the date of your return to school.
Q: Can I defer my payments if I go to graduate school and choose not to borrow for graduate school from CSLF?
A: If a student wishes to defer payments and interest for Graduate School, the student must be enrolled in school full-time and all payments must be current. Enrollment in graduate school must be indicated on the Repeat Loan Application/Student Update Form or if student has been in repayment then student must download and complete the Graduate School deferment form.
Q: Can loan payments be deferred if I am having financial difficulty?
A: Payments are only deferred for students who are enrolled full-time. Co-makers on the debt will be required to make any payments that the student borrower cannot make. If you ever experience financial difficulty that affects your ability to repay your loan per the terms of your loan agreement, please contact the Foundation immediately to work out a temporary alternative repayment schedule.
Q: What happens if I don't make my payments as agreed?
A: If your account ever falls three or more payments behind, both you and your co-makers will be reported to the Credit Bureau and your account may be turned over to our attorneys for collection. Actions taken can include liens on property, wage garnishment, bank attachment or any other means available to collect the debt. Please remember that the Foundation depends on repayment to provide funds for student loans.